Graeme Chalmers - Publications

Refereed Publications
Non-Refereed Publications
Curriculum Materials



Celebrating Pluralism

Celebrating Pluralism

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2003). Arte, educacion y diversidad cultural. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós (This is an updated Spanish language edition of: Celebrating pluralism: Art, education, and cultural diversity). ISBN 84-493-1389-9

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). A nineteenth century government drawing master: The Walter Smith reader. (Reston, VA: National Art Education Association). ISBN 1-89160-13-X

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1998). Women in the nineteenth-century art world. Schools of art and design for women in London and Philadelphia. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press). ISBN 0-313-30604-4

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1996). Celebrating pluralism: Art, education, and cultural diversity. (Los Angeles: Getty Education Institute for the Arts). ISBN 0-89236-393-2


Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2008). The study of art in a cultural context. Reprint of: The study of art in a cultural context. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 32(2), 1973, 249-256. In Inglis, D. (ed.), Art and aesthetics: Critical concepts in the social sciences. Routledge: UK.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2008). Art as a social study: Theory into practice. Reprint of: . Art as a social study: Theory into practice. Bulletin of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, 5(1), 1985, 40-50. In Keifer-Boyd, K.; jagodzinsky, j. and Emme, M. InCITE/InSIGHT/InSITE 25 years of the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2007). Social responsibility in secondary art education: Addressing our hopes, fears, and dreams. In Irwin, R., Grauer, K. & Emme M.J. ReVisions. Readings in Canadian art education. 3rd. Edition, Thunder Bay, ON: Canadian Society for Education through Art, 92-97.

Irwin, R. and Chalmers G. (2007). Experiencing the visual and visualizing experiences. In Bresler, L. (ed.), International handbook of research in arts education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 179-193.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2006). Learning to draw at the Barrie Mechanics’ Institute. In Pearse, H. (ed) From drawing to visual culture: A history of Art Education in Canada. Montreal: McGill Queens Press.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Seis anos depois de Celebrando o Pluralismo: transculturas visuais, educação e multiculturalismo crírico, in Barbosa, A.M. (ed). Arte/educação contemporânea: Consonâncias internationais. Sao Paulo Brazil: Cortez Editoria, 245-263. Translation of Chalmers, F. Graeme (2002) Celebrating pluralism six years later: Visual transculture/s, education, and critical multiculturalism. Studies in Art Education, 43(4), 293-306.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Who is to do this great work for Canada? South Kensington in Ontario, in Romans, (ed) Histories of art and design education: Collected essays. Bristol, UK: Intellect. 211-227. Reprint of: Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1993). Who is to do this great work for Canada? South Kensington and Ontario. Journal of Art and Design Education, 12(2), 161-178.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2004). Learning from histories of art education, in Eisner, E. & Day, M. (eds) Handbook of research and policy in art education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 11-31.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2004). Painting me into a corner? in Irwin, R. & de Cosson, A. (eds) A/r/tographyRendering self through arts-based living inquiry. Vancouver: Pacific Educational Press. 173-183.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2004). Art education and social justice: An elementary perspective, in Grauer, K. & Irwin, (eds) StARTing with . . . Kingston. ON: Canadian Society for Education through Art. 50-53.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Knowing art through multiple lenses: in defense of purple haze and grey areas. In On knowing art and visual culture edited by Ted Bracey (University of Canterbury) and Paul Duncum (University of Tasmania). Christchurch, NZ: University of Canterbury Press. 86-98.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Maintaining the purple haze. In On knowing art and visual culture edited by Ted Bracey (University of Canterbury) and Paul Duncum (University of Tasmania). Christchurch, NZ: University of Canterbury Press. 149-154.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. [Written in consultation with Kit Grauer, Rita Irwin, and Anna Kindler]. (2001). North of the border: International influences. The doctoral program in art education at the University of British Columbia. In Hutchens (Ed.), In their own words: the development of doctoral study in art education. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, 161-163.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). Designing and implementing a curriculum for multicultural art education. In R. Smith (Ed.), Readings in Discipline-based art education: a literature of educational reform. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, 225-234. Reprinted section (with permission) from: Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1996). Celebrating pluralism: Art, education, and cultural diversity. (Los Angeles: Getty Education Institute for the Arts).

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1999). Cultural colonialism and art education: Eurocentric and racist roots of art education. In D. Boughton and R. Mason. Beyond multicultural art education: International perspectives. Münster, Berlin & New York: Waxman, 173-184.

Irwin, Rita L., Chalmers, F. Graeme, Grauer, Kit, Kindler, Anna M. and MacGregor, Ronald N. (1999). Art education policy in Canada. In B. Hanley (Ed.) Leadership, advocacy, communication: A vision for arts education in Canada (231-250). Victoria: Canadian Music Educators’ Association. (Reprinted with permission and with minor changes from Arts Education Policy Review, 97(6), 15-22).

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1998). Teaching drawing in 19th-century Canada. Why? In Freedman, K. & Hernandez, F. (eds.), Curriculum, culture, and art education. (Albany, NY: SUNY Press), 47-58, 199-201.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Social issues in secondary art education. In Irwin, R.L. & Grauer, K. (eds.), Readings in Canadian art teacher education. (Boucherville, QC: Canadian Society for Education through Art. 83-89.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). Art education as global education. In MacGregor, R. (ed.), Thinking globally about the arts in education. (Vancouver: Research and Development in Global Studies, CSCI, University of British Columbia). 23-32.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). South Kensington in the farthest colony. In Soucy, D. & Stankiewicz, M.A. (eds). Framing the past: Essays on art education. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, 70-85.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1987). Cultural versus universal understanding of art. In Blandy, D. & Congdon, C. (eds). Art in a democracy. New York: Teachers College Press, 4-12.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1979). Art in society: Implications for curriculum. In Cunningham, J.; Wilson, D.C. & Boughton, D. (eds). Curriculum policies and the expressive arts. Vancouver: The Monograph Series, Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction, The University of British Columbia, 1-8.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1979). Studying the art of the members of contemporary ‘tribes.’ In Condous, J. (ed.). The arts in cultural diversity. Melbourne: Holt Rinehart & Winston with Holt-Saunders, Australia, pp.128-132. A revised version of this chapter was subsequently published in Fine (Spring, 1980), 30-37.

Book Publications
Non-Refereed Publications
Curriculum Materials



Chalmers, F. Graeme & Dancer, Andrea. (2008). Crafts, boys, Ernest Thompson Seton, and the bwoodcraft movement. Studies in Art Education, 49(3), 183-199.

Desai, Dipti & Chalmers F. Graeme. (2007). Notes for a dialogue on art education in critical times. Art Education, 60(5), 6-12.

Chalmers, F. Graeme and Dancer, Andrea. (2007) Art, boys, and the Boy Scout movement: Lord Baden-Powell. Studies in Art Education, 48(3), 265-281.

Gill, Hartej & Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2007) Documenting diversity: An early portrait of a collaborative teacher education program International Journal of Inclusive Education, 11(5), 551-570.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2006). Another look at art education as ethnology. (Korean) Journal of Research in Art and Education, 7(2), 1-20.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Visual culture education in the 1960s. Art Education, 58(6), 6-11.

Milne Martens, Margaret & Chalmers, F.Graeme. (2005) Educating the Eye, Hand, and Heart at St. Ann’s Academy: A case study of art education for girls in 19th century Canada. BC Studies, 144 (Winter 2004/2005), 31-59.

Chalmers, F.Graeme. (2004). Art education in a world where old boundaries, old truths, and old certainties are no longer valid. The International Journal of Art Education, 2(2), 8-21

Chalmers, F.Graeme. (published 2004 – dated 2002 – journal is behind) Treated with indulgence rather than respect: Two Victorian drawing masters. Canadian Review of Art Education Research and Issues, 29(2), 19-42.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (In Press – re-submitted March 2000 – Awaiting appropriate theme issue). Officers, gentlemen, and artists: learning to draw at Canada’s Royal Military College 1879-1897. Canadian Military History.

Chalmers, F. Graeme (2002) Celebrating pluralism six years later: Visual transculture/s, education, and critical multiculturalism. Studies in Art Education, 43(4), 293-306.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Canada’s drawing book scandal: A storm in a Victorian teacup. Canadian Review of Art Education / Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique, 28(1), 40-59.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Art education in a manly environment: educating the sons of the Establishment in a 19th century boys’ school. Studies in Art Education, 42(2), 113-130.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). Art education in “Indian” residential schools in British Columbia. Canadian Review of Art Education / Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique, 27(1), 21-35.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). Why focus on the common ground? Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 17, 17-20.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1999). Studies in Art Education: The first 10 years. Visual Arts Research, 25(1), 2-6. Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1996). The early history of the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, Journal of Design History, (9:4), 237-252.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). European ways of talking about the art of northwest coast first nations. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies / La revue canadienne de etudes autochtones, 15(1), 113-127.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). Fanny McIan and London’s Female School of Design 1842-1857. “My Lords and Gentlemen, Your Humble and Obedient Servant?” Woman’s Art Journal, 16(2), 3-9.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). Reflections on the past: Windows to the future. The 1995 Leon Jackman Memorial Address. Australian Art Education, 19(1), 7-17.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1994). Narrow and sectarian pretensions: George Gustavus Zerffi and the teaching of art history. Canadian Review of Art Education / Revue canadienne d’education artistique, 21(1), 15-26.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1993). “Doing” histories of art education. Studies in Art Education, 34 (4), 254-256

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1993). Who is to do this great work for Canada? South Kensington and Ontario. Journal of Art and Design Education, 12(2), 161-178.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1992). DBAE as multicultural education. Art Education, 45(3), 16-24.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1992). The origins of racism in the public school art curriculum. Studies in Art Education, 33(3), 134-143.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1991). Art worlds, environmental images. (An introduction to papers by Kristin Congdon, Paul Duncum, and Patricia Stuhr.) Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Art Education 9, 57-58.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). An expatriate’s review of New Zealand’s “Art Education Junior Classes to Form 7: Syllabus for Schools.” Australian Art Education, 14(2), 79-86.

Dixon, Glen & Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). The expressive arts in early education. Childhood Education (Journal of the Association for Childhood Education International), 67(1), 12-17.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1988). A response to Ron MacGregor’s paper. Viewpoints, Winter Special Edition, 26-30.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1987). Beyond current conceptions of discipline-based art education. Art Education, 40(5), 58-61.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Grauer, Kit. (1986). Forword. Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 4(1), 4-5.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1986). Enquiry into cultural identity and realization through the arts: A review of literature. Journal of Art and Design Education, 5(1&2), 187-193.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1985). Art as a social study: Theory into practice. Bulletin of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, 5(1), 40-50.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1984). South Kensington and the colonies: David Blair of New Zealand and Canada. Studies in Art Education, 26(2), 69-74.

Chalmers, F. Graeme; Andrews, Margaret; & Nadaner, Dan. (1984). Cultural pluralism and art education in British Columbia. Art Education, 36(5), 22-26.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1984). Design and curriculum design: An architectonic view. McGill Journal of Education, 19(2), 37-147.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1984). Artistic perception: The cultural context. Journal of Art and Design Education, 3(3), 279-289.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1982). Commentary on art education as ethnology: A brief reply to Janesick and Jagodzinski. Studies in Art Education, 23(3), 12.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1982). Aesthetic education as a social study. Canadian Review of Research in Art Education / Revue Canadienne de recherche en education artistique, 9, 4-11.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1981). Art education as ethnology. Studies in Art Education, 23(3), 6-14.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1978). Teaching and studying art history: Some anthropological and sociological considerations. Studies in Art Education, 20(1), 18-25.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1977). Women as art viewers: Sex differences and aesthetic preference. Studies in Art Education, 18(2), 49-53.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1977). A model for inquiry at the master’s level: Design and designers. Implications for curriculum development in art education. Canadian Review of Art Education Research / Revue Canadienne de recherche en education artistique, 4, 12-18.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1976). Design as a social study. The Social Studies, 67(5), 197-199.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1974). The art museum and art education. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 1(1), 40-44.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1974). Aesthetic experience and social status. Arts in Society, 11(1), 300-307.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1974). A cultural foundation for education in the arts. Art Education, 27(1), 20-25.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1973). The study of art in a cultural context. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 32(2), 249-256.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1973). About creativity. McGill Journal of Education, 8(1), 33-40.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1972). Art, religion, and education. Religious Education, 47(4), 279-285.

Conference Proceedings

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2003). Dragon boats and other waka: Implications for art education practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Proceedings of the Aotearoa/New Zealand 7th National Conference, Auckland, April 2003.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Men and 19th-century art education for women: The case of London’s Female School of Art. In Anderson, A. & Bolin, P. (eds.), History of art education. Proceedings of the third Penn State international symposium. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University. 339-346.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). Mentor’s introduction to Lara M. Lackey: Art and education in leisure institutions: Making a case for research, and Joanne McNeal: Western arctic women artist: An ethnographic study of the historic influences on the artistic education and production of women from three co-existing cultures. Marilyn Zurmuehlen working papers in art education 13. Iowa City: University of Iowa. 115 and 124.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1994). Introduction to: Indigenous approaches to art education in three post-colonial societies. Proceedings of the 28th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art, August 11-17, 1993. Montreal: Art Image Publications. 108-111.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1992). An officer and a gentleman: Teaching drawing in the military. The history of art education: Proceedings from the Second Penn State Conference. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. 259-263.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). Multiculturalism and visual arts education, Symposium on the fine arts in education – Music, Visual Art, Drama, Dance – Prompted by the new British Columbia Schools Curriculum “The Year 2000”. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University. 86-89.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1987). South Kensington and the colonies II: The influence of Walter Smith in Canada. History of art education: Proceedings from the Penn. State Conference 1985, 108-112.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Groome, Les (eds). (1976). Teacher preparation programmes in art for Canadian schools. Regina: University of Regina and the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 53 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1974). Relating the aesthetic, social, psychological and biological needs of man: Implications for environmental design education; in Proceedings of the 3rd. international symposium on lower cost housing problems. Montreal: Concordia University, 1149-1155.

Editorials in refereed journals:

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2006). Of Kuia and Kaumatua. Studies in Art Education.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1999). Looking forward and backward. Studies in Art Education, 40(4), 291-292.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1999). Seven readers. Studies in Art Education, 40(3), 195-197.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1999). Small changes. Studies in Art Education, 40(2), 99-100.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1998). Studies at 40. Studies in Art Education, 39(4), 291-292.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1998). The same but different Studies in Art Education, 39(3), 195-196.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Penny. Studies in Art Education, 39(2), 99-100.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Discovering Studies in Art Education. Studies in Art Education, 39(1), 3-5.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Mullen, Cathy. (1990). Guest editorial: Culture, society and art education. Studies in Art Education, 31(4), 195-197.


Book Publications
Refereed Publications
Curriculum Materials


Journals Chalmers, F.Graeme. (2005) Welcome! Bienvenue! Educational Insights, 9(2)

Chalmers, F. Graeme (2005). Fine arts and diversity pedagogy. BC Educational Leadership Research, 1(1), September.

Gill, Hartej and Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Documenting Diversity: An Early Portrait of a Collaborative Teacher Education Initiative. (Part 2 – Year 2 The social activism projects) EAR Educators Against Racism Newsletter (Summer), 8-10.

Gill, Hartej and Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Documenting Diversity: An Early Portrait of a Collaborative Teacher Education Initiative. (Part 1) EAR Educators Against Racism Newsletter (Spring), 11-15.

Chalmers, F.Graeme. (2004) Welcome Paddling upstream. Educational Insights, 9(1)

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2003). Where is home? Here or there? There or here? Reflections on Nga Waka. ANZAE Journal of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). A special role for the arts in multicultural adoption. Adoption Today, 3(5), 13-16.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Learning to draw at UCC in the 19th century. Old Times (Summer) 1-6.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Teacher talk: Encouraging reflective practice. School Arts, 100(6), 12.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). Perspective on technology. Arts Exposed, Your Guide to the Arts in North Vancouver 2000. North Vancouver, BC: North Shore Arts Commission, 4.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2000). Who is Walter Smith? Massachusetts Art Education Association “Art from the Start” Newsletter, (Winter Spring), 8-9.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1998/9). The 1998 C.D. Gaitskell Memorial Address: Learning from Mrs. Crippen. The Canadian Society for Education through Art / Société Canadienne d’éducation par l’art Journal 29(2) and 30(1) special double issue, 6-11.

Irwin, Rita L., Chalmers, F. Graeme, Grauer, Kit, Kindler, Anna M. and MacGregor, Ronald N. (1996). Art education policy in Canada. Arts Education Policy Review, 97(6), 15-22.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1994). Art/design within the International Baccalaureate: What is it, and how do we evaluate such a “fuzzy” subject. INSEA News (May), 8-10.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1993). Arts education as a catalyst to reform: Cultural diversity and arts education. BCATA Journal for Art Teachers, 33(1), 38-44.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1992). Multicultural art education: It’s more than making totem poles out of the insides of toilet rolls. BCATA Journal for Art Teachers, 32(1), 7-9.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1992). Art and design within the International Baccalaureate. Contact: The Journal of the International Baccalaureate Schools, 3(3), 18-19.

Foster, Michael; Grauer, Kit; & Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). U.B.C. Art Institute 1988: Teaching Art in the Elementary School. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 30(1), 1-3.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1989). The International Baccalaureate Art/Design Program. School Arts, 88(9), 34-36.

*Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1988). Whatever happened to David Blair. Art New Zealand, 47, 111-115.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1988). Making an urban trail. Heritage Education Quarterly (Winter), 7-11.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1987). Prototypes and images. Canadian Catholic Review, 5(1), 36-38.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Andrews, Jeanette. (1986). Shut in or shut out. Canadian Catholic Review, 4(9), 35-37.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1985). The importance of art education. News Prints, 1(3), 5.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1985). The visual arts and the church. Canadian Catholic Review, 3(1), 38-39.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Gouldstone, Penny. (1984). Trifling experiences in art education. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 24(1), 20-21.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1983). The built environment as a focus for art education. N.S.C.A.A.D. Papers in Art Education. 102-109.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1983). Architecture word game. School Arts, 83(4), 3-4.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1983). Art education and cultural pluralism. Ontario Society for Education through Art Journal (Spring), 35-43.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1982). Artistic perception and cultural context. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 23(1), 20-24.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1982). A simple guide to doing research in art education. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 23(1), 29.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1981). Arts education and the promotion of multi-ethnicity. Annual Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 12, 24-26.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1981). Focus on the built environment. School Arts, 80(9), 18-20.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1981). Harmonizing the old and the new in renovating churches today. B.C. Catholic, 51(3), 7.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1980). More resources for teaching about the built environment. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 21(1), 35-40.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1980). The B.C. penitentiary and pattern book architecture in early New Westminster. Heritage West, 4(4), 14-15.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1980). John Jessop: He introduced art education to B.C. schools. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 20(3), 25-26.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1979). Teaching about the art that matters: Architectural education in schools. The Image, 5, 11-17.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1978). Heritage and the school curriculum. Heritage West, 2(3), 6-7.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1976). The Master of Fine Arts and the Master of Visual Arts: Graduate studio degrees in Canada. C.A.U.T. Bulletin, 24(8), 16-18.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1976). Canadian graduate students in the visual arts: What do they think of the function and role of art in society? Annual Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 7, 1-6.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1976). Anthropology, culture, and the teaching of art: Implications for community based programs. B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers, 17(1), 2-3.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1973). The woman as art viewer. Art Magazine, 15 (Fall), 16-17.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1973). Teaching the why of art. Annual Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 4, 12-14.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Montgomery, Robert. (1973). Environmental design education: A Canadian student teacher’s diary. Bulletin of Environmental Education, 26, 8-11.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1972). Some research areas for Canadian art education. Annual Journal of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 3, 4-8.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1972). A structure for environmental design education. Bulletin of Environmental Education, 14, 7-8.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1972). Teaching environmental design. School and Community, (Feb.), 38.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1971). Teaching environmental design: Relating the aesthetic to the social needs of man. Bulletin of Environmental Education, 6, 3-5.


Conference Proceedings

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). “Celebrating Pluralism. A conversation with F. Graeme Chalmers.” ArtsEdNet Offline, 5(Spring), 4-5.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Perspectives for practice: Multiculturalism and art education. In Irwin, R.L. (Ed.), The CSEA National Policy and supporting perspectives for practice guidelines. Boucherville, QC: Canadian Society for Education through Art, 24-25.

Book Publications
Refereed Publications
Non-Refereed Publications


Chalmers, F. Graeme & Branham-East, Jill. (eds.) (1999). Art/Design: Teachers’ Workshop Materials I.B. Diploma Program. New York, International Baccalaureate North America. 166 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (ed.) (1991). Art/Design Teachers’ Guide. Geneva: International Baccalaureate Organization. 82 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1987). Drawing houses. Pouring the foundations: A guide to built environment education. Special publication of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 39-44.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1985). A fishmongering artifishal (sic) invitation to assign your favorite art educator to the following species. The sink or swim survival manual for art educators. Special publication of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 8-9.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1985). Don’t flush while the train is at the station: Or why we hold on to old ideas in art education. Keeping on track: A training manual for art educators. Special publication of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, 10-11.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Moorcroft, Frances (illustrator). (1981). B.C. houses: A workbook for secondary art and home economics students. Vancouver: Western Education Development Group (Now Pacific Educational Press) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 214 pages. ISBN 0-88865-016-7

Chalmers, F. Graeme; Taylor, Anne; and Purser, Robert. (1981). Ideas for built environment education: A transatlantic bibliography of useful books, periodicals, monographs, kits, packages, films, filmstrips, and organizations. Albuquerque: Institute for Environmental Education, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico. Subsequently published as a Vance Bibliography A607, Nov. 1981. 38 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme; Virginillo, Rita & Moorcroft, Frances. (1980). Medieval; architecture in our community: Romanesque and Gothic buildings (A heritage education workbook for social studies and art). Vancouver: Western Education Development Group (Now Pacific Educational Press) and B.C. Heritage Trust. 43 pages. ISBN 0-88865-38-9 [Recommended in Saskatchewan for Grade 9 Art].

Chalmers, F. Graeme; Virginillo, Rita & Moorcroft, Frances. (1979). Classical architecture in our community: Greek and Roman buildings (A heritage education workbook for social studies and art). Vancouver: Western Education Development Group (Now Pacific Educational Press). 33 pages. ISBN 0-88865-38-9 [Recommended in Saskatchewan for Grade 9 Art].

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1979). Practical suggestions for environmental design education. Canadian Society for Education through Art, Booklet #5.

Commissioned/Technical Reports:

Ero, Ikponwosa, Gill, Hartej, and Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2003). Visible Minorities in British Columbia: A directory of some ethno-cultural organizations in BC. Vancouver: David Lam Chair in Multicultural Education, University of British Columbia. 24 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Gill, Hartej. (2002). Educating against racism through the arts: Programs of promise. A resource guide for educators and community groups in British Columbia. Vancouver: Settlement and Multiculturalism Branch, Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services, Government of British Columbia. 49 pages.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1988 to 1994). Art/Design in Reports of Chief Examiners: Examination Sessions May and November. Cardiff: International Baccalaureate Examinations Office.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1989). Art education and the promotion of intercultural understanding, in Eisner, Elliot W. (ed.). Needs and Visions of Aesthetic Education. International Society for Education Through Art for UNESCO.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1983). Research in arts education for children: The Canadian scene. Arts Education for Children in the Nordic and Other Regions: UNESCO Cultural Development Documentary Dossier 24. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 63-66.

Chalmers, F. Graeme & Gray, James U. (1981). An overview of art education research in Canada, in Tomkins, G.; Connelly, M.; and Bernier, J-P. (eds). A State of the Art Review of Educational Research in Curriculum and Instruction. Ottawa: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Appendix C, 9 pages.

Reprinted in B.C.A.T.A. Journal for Art Teachers 23:1, (1982). 13-15.


Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2015). Review of Smith, J. Peter Smith: His Life and Legacy in Art and EducationCanadian Review of Art Education 221-226.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2005). Review of Freedman, K. Teaching Visual Culture, Curriculum, Aesthetics and the Social Life of Art. Studies in Art Education, 47(1), 83-86.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2002). Review: Candace Wheeler, The art and enterprise of American design 1875-1900Journal of Design History.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (2001). Review: Visuality in teaching and research: Activist art education. Studies in Art Education 43(1), 81-82.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1997). Response to Elizabeth Hoffman’s review of Celebrating Pluralism: Art. Education. and Cultural Diversity. Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 15, 106.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1995). Review of Soucy, D. and Pearse H. The first hundred years: A History of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Canadian Review of Art Education / Revue canadienne d’education artistique, 22(1), 87-89.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). Review of Maquet, J. The Aesthetic Experience. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 29 (4), 111-113.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1990). Uzzell, David. (1989). Heritage interpretation. Vol.1 (The natural and built environment) and Vol.2 (The visitor experience). London and New York: Belhaven Press; and Woodring, Carl. (1989). Cultural transformations in nineteenth century Britain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; in N.A.E.A. News, 32(6), 23.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1989). Hirsch, E.D. Jr. (1987). Cultural literacy: What every American needs to know. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; in Canadian Review of Art Education Research and Issues, 16(1), 61-65.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1986). Henry, F.L. & Luckenbach-Sawyers. (1985). Revisioning secondary art education. Boston: American Press; in Studies in Art Education, 27(3), 159-160.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1984). Layton, R. (1981). The anthropology of art. London: Granada; in The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 18(2), 103-104.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1979). McFee, J.K. & Degge, R. (1977). Art, culture, and environment: A catalyst for teaching. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth; in Canadian Review of Art Education Research / Revue Canadienne de recherche en education artistique, 5, 65-66.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1977). Pevsner, N. (1973). Academies of art past and present. New York: Da Capo Press; Remembrance of things past; in C.A.U.T. Bulletin, 26(4), 14.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1977). Schantz, T.F. The utilization of the semantic differential technique with college students for differentiating the meaning of paintings from four stylistic categories; in Review of Visual Arts Research, Winter, 30-33.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1974). Goetz, T.H. (1973). Taine and the fine arts. Madrid: Colleccion Scholar Universal; in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 33(1), 114.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. (1973). Albrecht, M.C.; Barnett, J.H. & Griff, M. (1970). The sociology of art and literature: A reader; in Studies in Art Education, 15(1), 72.